On January 15, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) hosted an expert brainstorming session organised by the Institute for Advanced International Studies (IAIS) with the participation of the International Institute for Central Asia (IICA), the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies and International Initiatives under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Diplomatic Academy of UWED.
The event was dedicated to discussing key challenges and prospects of Central Asia, including the topics of regional integration, economic cooperation, modernisation of economies, sustainable development issues, as well as the impact of global geopolitical processes on the region. Particular attention was paid to strengthening intra- and inter-state co-operation, as well as developing strategies to ensure economic and political stability.
The organisers stressed their intention to continue holding such events, expanding the range of participants by attracting experts and representatives of various sectors to discuss topical issues affecting the national, regional and international levels.