International co-operation in action: IAIS and ACSPS build links between the scientific communities of Uzbekistan and Qatar

International co-operation in action: IAIS and ACSPS build links between the scientific communities of Uzbekistan and Qatar


Tashkent, Uzbekistan – On June 11, 2024, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Qatar, a remote (online) meeting was organised between the Institute of Advanced International Studies (IAIS) and the Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS). IAIS Deputy Director Shakhboz Akhmedov and Head of the Centre for American Studies Ulugbek Ishankhodjaev were joined by Lutfiddin Khodjaev, Director of the Language Training Centre at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), and Ismatulla Fayzullaev, Dean of the Diplomatic Academy at UWED. Along with Qatari colleagues Marwan Kabalan, Omar Ashour and Hazim Rahahleh, the meeting was attended by Ahmed Qasem Hussein, Managing Editor of Siyasaat Arabiya (“Arabian Politics”) Journal.

After welcoming words from the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Qatar, the two sides learnt presentations from the activities of the two institutions. In particular, Dr. Marwan Kabalan noted that for more than a dozen years of its existence, ACRPS has become one of the leading think tanks in the Middle East, and has also opened its foreign branches in the United States, France, Lebanon and Tunisia. Mr. Shakhboz Akhmedov, for his part, highlighted the achievements of IAIS over the two-year period and also shared plans aimed at further development of the institute, including expansion of research areas by establishing new centres. 

On the part of IAIS representatives, it was proposed to develop not only bilateral relations, but also to establish multilateral cooperation with research institutions of the Gulf countries with Central Asia in the GCC+5 format, which was favourably received by the Qatari partners. In addition, the parties agreed to establish advanced training courses for experts in the field of Middle East studies, as well as the Arabic language in Qatar.

The embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan proposed to prepare a project Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations in the near future, and to bring cooperation to a higher level by signing an official document.

At the end of the meeting, the sides exchanged contacts to create a working group to establish further co-operation. The online meeting between the Institute for Advanced International Studies and the Arab Centre for Science and Policy Studies was a significant step towards strengthening scientific and diplomatic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Qatar. Representatives of both sides, having shared the experience of their organisations, laid a solid foundation for future interaction.