Central Asia: Green Energy and Hydrogen 2024 – A Milestone Event for Sustainable Energy Transformation

Central Asia: Green Energy and Hydrogen 2024 – A Milestone Event for Sustainable Energy Transformation


Tashkent, Uzbekistan – 9 September 2024. The city of Tashkent is hosting a major event of international significance—the “Central Asia: Green Energy and Hydrogen 2024” conference. This gathering has brought together prominent experts, policymakers, and industry leaders from across the globe to deliberate on the evolving landscape of green energy and the burgeoning hydrogen economy in Central Asia. This event marks a pivotal moment in the region’s drive toward su

stainable energy solutions, as discussions focus on the prospects of clean energy development, the challenges of implementing renewable energy infrastructure, and the role of hydrogen in shaping a future of decarbonized economies.


At the heart of the conference is a dynamic exchange of ideas surrounding the future of energy in the region, with a particular emphasis on the acceleration of solar energy projects and the exploration of green hydrogen as a cornerstone of the energy transition. The agenda features a diverse array of sessions addressing both the technical and policy dimensions of green energy. Topics include energy-efficient storage solutions, advancements in photovoltaic systems, and strategies to support the large-scale deployment of renewable energy projects across Central Asia. These discussions are expected to have far-reaching implications for how countries in the region, particularly Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and their neighbours, will navigate their energy transitions in the coming years.


Among the distinguished participants is Mr. Shakhboz Akhmedov, Deputy Director and Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development at the Institute for Advanced International Studies, who reflects a deep commitment to integrating sustainable development practices into the nation’s broader economic and environmental strategies by shaping the discourse, particularly in the realm of scaling up green hydrogen production and developing energy policies that will bolster both Uzbekistan’s and Central Asia’s broader green energy aspirations.


As the conference proceeds, key sessions will explore not only the technical challenges of advancing renewable energy projects but also the policy frameworks needed to support this transition. One of the major highlights of the event is the focus on international cooperation and partnerships. The role of global collaboration in fostering sustainable energy initiatives is essential, as experts from various sectors emphasize the need for investment, financing mechanisms, and knowledge exchange to drive the development of green energy projects. Central Asia’s vast potential for solar energy, coupled with emerging hydrogen technologies, positions it as a critical player in the global shift toward clean energy.


Moreover, the conference will also examine the role of innovative energy storage solutions and energy-efficient technologies in enhancing the reliability of green energy systems. These technologies are critical to overcoming one of the main obstacles facing renewable energy—intermittency. With advanced storage solutions, Central Asia can not only harness its vast solar potential but also ensure a stable and continuous energy supply, which is essential for economic growth and sustainability.


Throughout the conference, opportunities for networking and partnership-building are central themes. The event brings together not only technical experts and business leaders but also representatives from international organizations, government bodies, and financial institutions. These diverse stakeholders are collaborating to explore avenues for financing and investing in green energy projects, which remain one of the critical challenges for the region. Discussions will focus on how to create an enabling environment for green investments, with attention to the bankability of projects and the role of public-private partnerships in fostering a conducive investment climate.