Monterey trialogue in Uzbekistan

Monterey trialogue in Uzbekistan


In a groundbreaking event held from November 15 to 18, 2023, Tashkent hosted the inaugural Monterey Trialogue, bringing together top experts from the USA, Russia, China, and Central Asian nations. This significant gathering was orchestrated by the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (USA) and the Institute for Advanced International Studies at UWED.

The Monterey Trialogue, an initiative by the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, serves as a crucial platform for prominent scholars and political experts from the United States, Russia, and China. This event facilitates the exchange of experiences, the sharing of perspectives, and a comprehensive exploration of areas of both contention and collaboration among these nations.

Throughout the conference, participants engaged in robust discussions on pivotal matters encompassing international politics, regional cooperation, and bilateral relations. Notably, foreign experts seized the opportunity to pose questions on both domestic and foreign policy matters concerning Uzbekistan, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights.