Strengthening Water Diplomacy: A Unified Academic Effort

Strengthening Water Diplomacy: A Unified Academic Effort


Tashkent, Uzbekistan – 28 August 2024. The culmination of a significant educational endeavour in water diplomacy was marked by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) on 16 August 2024 with a successful conclusion a two-week intensive training course under the Erasmus+ HWCA project, aimed at enhancing the capacities of Central Asian universities in the realm of water diplomacy. This initiative, organized in collaboration with the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME-NRU) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), focused on equipping participants with critical knowledge and practical skills to address the pressing water-related challenges in the region.


Participants, including teaching staff and young researchers, delved into the complexities of water resources management, with a particular emphasis on transboundary cooperation and the formulation of sustainable strategies—imperatives for Central Asia, where water issues are both critical and complex. The training course concluded with a ceremony where participants were awarded certificates, signifying their successful completion of the program. Representatives from the organizing institutions expressed their profound appreciation for the participants’ engagement and highlighted the importance of continuing such initiatives to foster regional cooperation and knowledge exchange.


One of the notable outcomes of this training was the agreement between UWED and TIIAME-NRU to strengthen their collaborative efforts in water diplomacy education. This collaborative spirit was further solidified on 23 August 2024 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions, a significant extension of the achievements from the training course.



The Memorandum, signed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and Rector of UWED, Sodyq Safoev, and the Rector of TIIAME, Bakhodir Mirzaev, marks a pivotal step towards creating a robust platform for academic exchange and research collaboration in various fields, particularly water diplomacy. The agreement paves the way for the development of a joint Master’s programme in water diplomacy, designed to cultivate specialists capable of addressing contemporary challenges in water resources management and international cooperation.


Furthermore, the Memorandum outlines the establishment of a joint Centre for Water and Climate Diplomacy at the Institute for Advanced International Studies at UWED and underscores the commitment of both institutions to support exchange programmes for researchers, teachers, and students. This unified effort reflects a shared vision for advancing water diplomacy in Central Asia, promising to enhance regional collaboration and contribute to the sustainable management of the region’s vital water resources.


In sum, these initiatives mark an important step in reinforcing academic and professional ties between Central Asian universities, fostering the exchange of expertise, and developing a coherent approach to resolving water issues in the region. The continued cooperation between UWED and TIIAME-NRU, as envisaged in the Memorandum, is poised to yield significant contributions to the field of water diplomacy in Central Asia and beyond.