Shakhboz Akhmedov Discusses Uzbekistan’s Investment Climate in the Energy Sector

Media Appearances

14 November, 2024


Shakhboz Akhmedov Discusses Uzbekistan’s Investment Climate in the Energy Sector

In a recent brief interview with Daryo, Deputy Director Shakhboz Akhmedov provided his overview of Uzbekistan’s evolving investment landscape, with a particular focus on the energy sector. He highlighted a shift in the focus of foreign investments, noting that while there has been a surge in investments directed towards hard infrastructure such as wind parks, solar farms, and other renewable energy installations, there is an urgent need to balance this with investments in “soft components”.


Mr. Akhmedov emphasised that while tangible assets like energy facilities are vital for the country’s development, the long-term sustainability and efficiency of these projects hinge on the enhancement of human capital. He argued that investments should also target capacity building, skills development, and the training of local experts to manage, operate, and innovate within these energy projects.


This balanced strategy, he noted, will ultimately support the achievement of Uzbekistan’s sustainability targets.


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