A two-week course on water diplomacy under the Erasmus+ HWCA project for Central Asian universities has been completed at UWED

A two-week course on water diplomacy under the Erasmus+ HWCA project for Central Asian universities has been completed at UWED


Tashkent, Uzbekistan – 16 August 2024. On 16 August 2024, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) completed a two-week training course on water diplomacy under the Erasmus+ HWCA project for Central Asian universities, organised jointly with the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers (TIIAME-NRU), the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


During the training for teaching staff and summer school for young researchers, the participants gained in-depth knowledge in the field of water resources management and learnt practical skills necessary for effective solution of water related issues in the region. Special attention was paid to transboundary co-operation and the development of strategies for sustainable water resources management, which is crucial for the Central Asian region with its complex water challenges.


The completion of the course was marked by a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates, which confirm the successful mastering of the programme. Representatives of the organising agencies spoke at the ceremony and expressed gratitude to the participants for their active participation and aspiration to acquire new knowledge in the field of water diplomacy. In their speeches, they emphasised the importance of continuing such educational initiatives, which contribute to strengthening interregional cooperation and exchange of experience. In turn, the participants noted the high level of organisation of the event and the value of the knowledge gained, which will be applied in their future professional activities.


As one of the achievements, UWED and TIIAME-NRU agreed to intensify co-operation in training specialists in water diplomacy. In particular, it was agreed to launch a Master’s programme on water diplomacy and join all efforts in promoting relevant initiatives in Central Asia.


Thus, the event was an important step in strengthening academic and professional ties between universities in Central Asia, facilitated exchange of experience and creation of a common approach to solving water issues in the region. The organisers expressed their hope to continue cooperation through similar initiatives in the future.