Kick-off meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Kick-off meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy


The first meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (hereinafter referred to as the Scientific Council of the Institute) was held on February 17, 2023. The meeting of the scientific council was attended by the employees of the institute, as well as representatives of the invited UWED administration and professors.

The Institute director Sh. Abdullayev was elected as the chairman of this scientific council, and H. Botayev -  the secretary of the council. The meeting was opened by the chairman of the council, Sh. Abdullayev. He emphasized that conducting practical and fundamental research is an urgent issue.

In addition, it was highlighted the importance of publishing these researches on social networks and other internet platforms in order to ensure timely delivery and popularization of the ongoing research works to the general public. Moreover, the participants underlined the need for the university's young scientists, i.e. doctoral students and their engagement in scientific discussions and conferences, and special emphasis should be placed on the activities of providing scientists for the next generation.

During the meeting, the thesis work on  "Soft power in the practice of Chinese foreign policy (in the Central Asian dimension)" by A. Bobokhanov (doctoral student of the 3rd stage of UWED) was discussed in detail by the members of the council.