Expanding horizons: IAIS strengthens cooperation with EU delegation

Expanding horizons: IAIS strengthens cooperation with EU delegation


On 28 June this year, a meeting took place between experts from the Institute of Advanced International Studies (IAIS) and representatives of the Delegation of the European Union (EU Delegation) in Uzbekistan. IAIS was represented by Deputy Director Shakhboz Akhmedov, Head of the Centre for European Studies Durbek Amanov and research fellow Mushtariy Usmonova, while the EU delegation was represented by Head of the Politics, Press and Information Section Mindaugas Kačerauskis and Head of the Cooperation Section Wim Riepma.

The sides noted the long-standing ties between the EU Delegation and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on strengthening research co-operation between Uzbekistan and EU countries. The IAIS experts provided information on the institute’s activities and achievements, including the establishment of new thematic centres such as the Centre for Water Diplomacy and the Centre for WTO Studies. They proposed organising regular international conferences, round tables and workshops, as well as joint quarterly publications and reports on EU relations with Central Asian countries and Afghanistan. 

The European partners positively accepted the proposals, noting that the Delegation’s activities are based on the EU Multi-annual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 in Uzbekistan, as well as the EU Strategy for Central Asia (2019). They emphasized the importance of reviewing and updating the EU’s strategic approaches to building relations with Central Asian countries in view of global geopolitical transformations. They also expressed readiness to support Uzbekistan’s efforts to complete the WTO accession process.

An important outcome of the meeting was the agreement to hold an international scientific conference in November 2024 dedicated to the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the European Union. This event is expected to become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between local and international researchers, as well as other stakeholders, and further strengthening the scientific and cultural ties between Uzbekistan and the EU.

Thus, the meeting was an important step in strengthening research co-operation between Uzbekistan and EU countries. Both sides expressed readiness for active interaction and development of new projects aimed at studying topical issues and prospects for co-operation in various fields.