UWED Held a Round Table on Sustainable Development and Green Economy Issues

UWED Held a Round Table on Sustainable Development and Green Economy Issues


On 1 March, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a scientific and practical round table on the topic “Transition to Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection and Development of Green Economy in the Modern World”. The event was attended by young scientists, research students and specialists interested in the issues of environmental sustainability and economic development. The round table was organized by the Students Scientific Community and the UWED Eco-Club.


Welcoming speeches were delivered by Odil Yusupdjanov, First Vice-Rector for Youth Issues and Spiritual and Educational Affairs of UWED, Mirzoumid Khamdamov, Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, Komronbek Alisherov, Chairman of the Students Scientific Society, and Shakhruz Gulmetov, Coordinator of the Eco-Club.


One of the speakers was Odilbek Manabov, Leading Research Fellow at the IAIS Sustainable Development Centre. In his speech on Water and Energy as a Basis for Future Sustainability and Security in Central Asia he touched upon a number of important aspects:

  • With the exception of Kyrgyzstan, all Central Asian countries depend to some extent on transboundary water resources.
  • Large hydropower projects such as the Rogun hydropower plant in Tajikistan, the Kambarata reservoirs in Kyrgyzstan and the cascades on the Naryn River could significantly alter the hydrological balance of the region.
  • Despite existing borders, water resources unite the destinies of the countries in the region, and ensuring water security requires collective action, regional co-operation and integrated management.
  • Electricity is increasingly perceived not as a commodity but as a fundamental right, and its cost is becoming not so much an economic as a social issue.
  • An integrated approach to water and energy management plays a key role in ensuring sustainability and stability in the region, affecting both the environmental and geopolitical situation.


The round table provided the participants with an opportunity to exchange scientific experience, discuss current challenges in the field of green economy and environmental protection. Valuable expert opinions and proposals were presented during the discussion, and a collection of scientific theses is planned to be published based on the results of the event.