Center for European Studies

Center for European Studies

The Center for European Studies is a structural subdivision of the Institute for Advanced International Studies, which organizes and conducts academic and policy-oriented research, as well as providing educational and methodological assistance to students and teachers of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on the domestic and foreign policy of European countries.

The main objectives of the Center are to:

Participate in the development of cooperation in the field of politics, security, economics and the human dimension within the framework of partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Union, other European countries;
Study the activities of leading national and international centers specializing in the study of the European continent;
Substantiate the main trends in the domestic and foreign policy of European countries and their impact on the Central Asian region;
Develop the educational and scientific methodology for an interdisciplinary approach in order to obtain a systematic understanding European states in a comparative perspective as well as factors and mechanisms for shaping the domestic and foreign policy of the states in the region.
Monitor key directions and events of the domestic and foreign policy of the countries of Europe and develop proposals and recommendations for priority areas of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in relation to European countries;
Expand collaboration with scholars and experts in academia, business and civil society;
Prepare joint scientific monographs, articles, and research papers within the framework of scientific and applied grants and projects;
Conduct scientific and expert forums on topical issues of Europe;
Establish long-term cooperation and expand collaboration with scholars and experts in academia, business and civil society in order to implement various joint projects.



Durbek Amanov

Head of the Center


Mushtariy Usmonova

Research Fellow 


