India’s Diplomatic Maneuver: Modi’s Russia Visit Amid Shifting Global Dynamics


01 August, 2024


India’s Diplomatic Maneuver: Modi’s Russia Visit Amid Shifting Global Dynamics

The commentary was prepared by the IAIS intern Jaloliddin Ibragimov under the supervision of Islomkhon Gafarov.

Narendra Modi, India’s newly re-elected Prime Minister, strategically selected Moscow as the destination for his inaugural international visit, marking a significant diplomatic gesture. This visit is his first to Moscow since 2019, occurs against a backdrop of increasing bilateral cooperation despite the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the numerous sanctions imposed on Russia. Over the past five years India and Russia have strengthened their ties, with trade reaching approximately $65 billion in 2023.

As the author states, the relationship between India and Russia remains a crucial element in the global geopolitical landscape, advocating for a multipolar world. The successful outcome of Modi’s visit suggests that India will continue to navigate its foreign policy with a balanced approach, maintaining strong ties with both Russia and the United States while addressing its regional challenges.

Read the commentary