Center for Energy Diplomacy and Geopolitics

Center for Energy Diplomacy and Geopolitics

Energy diplomacy is an interdisciplinary area, a synthesis of economics, political science, environmental and technical sciences, which deals with the study of energy problems, finding solutions to them in cooperation with other countries, as well as forecasting the development and interrelationship of socio-economic, political, and technological processes in the perspective of energy security of the region.

The Center conducts advanced research on energy diplomacy and geopolitics, and provides in-depth, independent analysis of energy processes on a regional and international level.

The Center for Energy Diplomacy and Geopolitics is one of 9 centers of the Institute of Advanced International Studies (IAIS) at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Center's team consists of experts with experience in the private and public sectors, as well as in international organizations, has relevant knowledge of the region and provides strategic insights and information and analytical basis for developing further policy solutions by:

- examining the issues and causes of energy crises at the global, regional and local levels and how these situations can be addressed;

- assessing the correlation between country policies and trends in energy markets;

- conducting research into the development of alternative energy sources and the transition to sustainable energy;

- studying ways to improve the efficiency of energy resources management;

- analyzing risks and possible scenarios for achieving sustainable green growth.

Expanding cooperation with experts in academia, business and civic community, the Center conducts activities and projects designed to help authorized organizations make decisions and develop reasonable energy policies balancing economic, environmental, social and security priorities.

The Center is prepared to collaborate in joint research activities, participate in international and government programs, and provide consulting services on a contract basis, exploring the challenges at the intersection of geopolitics, economics policy, markets, and technology for government agencies and the private sector.

Head of Center


Khayotjon Ibragimov





Khayotjon Ibragimov

Head of the Center



Jakhongir Saliev

Senior Researcher


Dilshod Olimov

Center Coordinator
Independent researcher of University of World Economy and Diplomacy 



Sevara Ibragimova

Center Coordinator

Independent researcher University of World Economy and Diplomacy

