Fazliddin Djamalov on key points of Kamala Harris’ interview and the US presidential race

Media Appearances

22 October, 2024


Fazliddin Djamalov on key points of Kamala Harris’ interview and the US presidential race

Leading researcher of the Center for American Studies, Fazliddin Djamalov, on the air of the programme “International View” (“Xalqaro nigoh”) of Uzbekistan 24 TV channel, presented an in-depth analysis of recent events in American politics, focusing on the recent interview of US Vice President Kamala Harris for Fox News. It should be noted that Fox News traditionally supports the Republican Party, which makes this interview particularly significant given the complex political atmosphere and the heat of the election campaign.


The expert covered in detail the key topics that Harris touched upon in her speech, including migration issues and the prospects of the Biden-Harris tandem in the upcoming elections. He stressed that migration policy remains one of the most controversial topics in American society, and Harris, discussing it on Fox News, came under the scrutiny of both critics and supporters. Fazliddin Djamalov also noted that the current administration has faced serious challenges in implementing its programme, which could have a significant impact on the election results.


Special attention was paid to the topic of Harris’ relationship with former President Donald Trump, emphasising her sharp criticism of him. Despite this, the expert noted that such rhetoric is quite expected, given the long political confrontation between them. Harris actively contrasts her political agenda with Trump’s position, which, according to the expert, is part of the Democratic Party’s overall strategy to strengthen its position in the election race.


In addition to analysing the interview, Fazliddin Djamalov offered a brief overview of the prospects for the presidential election to be held on 5 November 2024. He warned that the outcome of the election remains unpredictable due to the dynamic changes in the political situation, and its outcome will have a significant impact on both domestic politics and the country’s foreign relations.


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