Center for American Studies

Center for American Studies

The Center for American Studies is a structural subdivision of the Institute for Advanced International Studies, which organizes and conducts research, information and analytical activities, as well as provide educational and methodological assistance to students and teachers of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) on the domestic and foreign policy of the United States and the countries of North and South America.

The main objectives of the Center are:

Participation in the development of cooperation in the field of politics, security, economy and the human dimension within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Dialogue between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United States; constant monitoring of key areas and events of U.S. domestic and foreign policy affecting the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan; studying the activities of leading national and international centers specializing in the study of the United States.
Systematic study of a wide range of issues related to key aspects of historical, socio-economic development, domestic and foreign policy, scientific and technological progress, foreign trade activities of the United States based on qualitative analysis, reasoned conclusions and judgments, a balanced assessment of the state and prospects of development of the American state and society.
Study of the legislative process in the United States, in particular, the role, prerogatives and mechanisms of interaction of various branches of government in decision-making on a wide range of issues of domestic and foreign policy, inter-party relations, as well as the electoral system and election campaigns.
Generalization and analysis of methods and approaches to the management process practiced in the United States in various fields, including taking into account the ongoing changes in the scientific and technical sphere.
Study of various aspects of national security, including in the military, social, and economic spheres; issues of regional development; the place and role of the United States in international politics; systems of value and political criteria in America; evaluation of the activities of lobbying structures, research centers, philanthropic foundations and sponsorship organizations in the United States and preparation of recommendations for establishing partnerships with them.
Systematization of factors influencing the dynamics and transformation of US domestic and foreign policy, assessment of the conflict potential in the domestic political life of the country, its impact on decision-making, both at the federal and local levels.
Preparation of political portraits of leading American politicians and public figures.
Conducting scientific and expert forums on topical issues of American studies.
Development and implementation in the educational and scientific process of the methodology of an interdisciplinary approach aimed at obtaining a systematic understanding and expanding knowledge about different aspects of the life of American society in their totality and interrelation, about the factors and mechanisms of U.S. policy formation within the country and in the world.
Participation in the formation of the University's development strategy based on the preparation and implementation of proposals on priority areas in educational, scientific and international activities in order to increase the competitiveness and rating of the University at the national and international level.
Main functions of the Center:

Implementation of research activities, development of theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to research and analytical processes.
Discussion and dissemination of the scientific results of the Center through the organization and holding of seminars, round tables, open lectures, participation in national and international conferences.
Publication of educational and methodological materials, scientific articles and the formation of collections of scientific papers based on them.
Development of a list of topics for theses and obtaining scientific degrees in American studies.
Involvement of the teaching staff, postgraduates, undergraduates, students of UWED in the research activities of the Center.
Establishment of partnerships with specialized research and educational structures of foreign countries, study of their work experience; development of projects and programs of joint fundamental and applied research; preparation of documentation for international grants; involvement of qualified specialists and teachers from abroad in scientific and educational processes.
Development and creation of an information base for scientific research.

Head of Center


Ulugbek Ishankhodjaev


Mr. Ulugbek Ishankhodjaev is the head of the Center for American Studies at the Institute for Advanced International Studies affiliated with the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, where he also lectures on the subject of American Government.

Mr. Ishankhojaev has extensive experience of working in public agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, such as the Office of the President and the Academy of Sciences. In his Foreign Service career, he worked as a Head of the Department of Americas and the Department of Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He served two tours of duty as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Uzbek Embassy in Washington, D.C. as well as at the Uzbek Embassy to Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg and a mission to NATO.




M. Cüneyt Özşahin, Ph.D.

Visiting Research Fellow


Alexander Schrier

Non-resident Research Fellow



Fazliddin Djamalov

Research Fellow at the Center for American Studies


Shahzoda Jumaniyazova

Research Fellow at the Center for American Studies


Ulugbek Ishankhodzhaev

Head of the Center for American Studies

