Head of the Laboratory of Anthropology and Conflictology
Mr. Azamat Seitov (Uzbekistan), 46 years old, Head of the Laboratory of Anthropology and Conflictology at the Institute for Advanced International Studies (IAIS) of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which studies: on an interdisciplinary basis, topical issues of international relations, regional studies and country studies in the context of the theory and practice of anthropology and conflictology; anthropological specifics of the level of conflict in the countries of Central Asia, with an emphasis on border areas; and also establishes long-term cooperation for the implementation of joint projects (programs) with leading foreign research organizations. Within this position, Mr. A. Seitov is responsible for the development and publication of analytical articles and materials, analytical notes, research papers, investigative reports and multimedia products, as well as organizing trainings and events on topical issues of anthropology and conflictology. Prior to joining IAIS, Mr. A. Seitov worked in various national research and scientific organizations, such as the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies, the Regional Policy Foundation, the Academy of State and Social Construction, the National University of Uzbekistan, the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, etc. Mr. A. Seitov has a Doctorate in Sociology (DSc), is acting. professor UWED. Research topics: civilization, anthropology, sociological research, gender, international relations.